Friday, November 14, 2014

Life's been Crazy . ..

     So, I'm sure some of you are wondering what happened, and to be honest, life sometimes gets in the way of previously made plans. That being said, I have ideas for the next post, I just haven't been able to iron out the details enough to get a functional post up, But I think you for your patience and for keeping an eye on the blog for the latest and greatest. . .

     Some of my friends have shared their thoughts and immediate reactions to my blog.  Some were as I expected, the "Hmmmmkay . . .I like it but it's weird cos I know you" and others are saying Right on! this needs to be said, Thank you so much for having the brass and courage to actually do it! . . .I even found out some of my ex coworkers are running around going OMGOMGOMG! Have you seen Ken's Sex blog?!?!?  which made me LOL!  I just wish there was more input on their reaction. . was that a good thing? a bad thing?  Its publicity regardless, so I'm cool with it.  . . I love hearing feedback, so if you think I'm doing a good job, let me know! or if you think I'm way off base, let me know how in the comments below or in a message to me on my google+ or facebook!  Is there something you wish your partner knew but aren't comfortable telling them? let me know and I'll see about putting something up discussing that topic! Something you want to know more about? Just let me know!!

    I also want to say thanks! to all of my readers this far! your visits and comments are what drive me to continue and indirectly let me know there is an interest in this sort of thing. Keep checking back, I'll have another post up soon!

Thanks again!


  1. Hi Ken,
    LOL! I so know what you mean! Just launched a new sex blog myself and am seriously hoping that friends will not be weirded out by reading it. On the other hand, would love to be a fly on the cubicle wall when former co-workers find it. Kinda fun shocking people like that ;)
    Looking forward to more posts~

  2. I can't wait to see more
